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I ran across this song the other day. I couldn’t find the lyrics online, so I’m posting them here. It’s called “Around My Neck” by 100 Portraits

The cross I wear around my neck,
what does it mean if it does not mean death?
Please tell me if it doesn’t mean blood
or nails or crying or lonliness?

The cross I wear around my neck,
what is it for if it is not for breaking?
If it’s not for pain, nakedness,
or hammering?

The cross I wear around my neck
is being raised above my head.
I think this time it’s wearing someone else.
I see it drop into the ground,
and when it falls I hear the sound
of someone crying “I love you.”

The cross I wear around my neck,
what does it mean if it does not mean love?
Please tell me if it doesn’t sing
of hope and healing and forgiveness?

The cross I wear around my neck,
who is for if it is not for me?
If it’s not for sin and all my searching
for the innocence?

The cross I wear around my neck
is being raised above my head.
I think this time it’s wearing someone else.
I see it drop into the ground,
and when it falls I hear the sound
of someone screaming “I love you.”

The cross I wear around my neck,
who is it for if it is not for us,
the lame, the blind, the ones held captive,
and the fatherless?

Anonymous said on 2006-10-12

Hey. I know it’s been two years since you posted this, but its helped me a LOT. I’m going to be playing this song for my youth group sometime, so the complete lyrics you have are a Godsend. Thank you so much and may God bless you.

Anonymous said on 2005-06-27

I was looking all over for these words as well. After studying Paul’s words and feeling the passion of the Cross, I couldn’t get this song outta my head. Hey, mate, I don’t know who you are..but having a look around your other postings…sounds like you’re going for it in God. Keep it up! God is Worth it ALL.

Anonymous said on 2005-03-31

thank you i was looking all over for these lyrics, i had the song stuck in my head and i couldn’t figure out the words! thanks

Posted with : The Way