It's perfect.
It's unbelievable.
It's a miracle
It's a TV dinner.
It's Fuwjax.

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Clay pigeons are an unsatisfying kill - trivial to clean and the driest of cuisine. Their utility resides in training the mind and body to take aim and fire with confidence and consistency. So please, take aim where you will and fire as you may. My words are offered up not for sustenance but for target practice.

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The willingness to believe even in the absence of direct evidence.

Exit, Stage Left

Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share your master's happiness.

What Does That Look Like?

For he who loves God without faith reflects upon himself. He who loves God in faith reflects upon God.

Fall in Love with Yourself

It doesn't matter who you are or they are, you can love anyone anywhere anytime. You can even love yourself.